Abstract Submission


Abstract submissions focusing on On-Board Computer simulation are particularly encouraged. Submissions in other relevant SESP topics such as classical technical themes listed above are also welcome. Please refer to the list of possible topics at the end of this call for abstracts for more details.


The program committee is requesting abstracts describing original work. Authors are encouraged to submit an extended abstract of maximum 3000 characters, including names, affiliations and contact information. Please use the ESA Conference Bureau online submission system to submit your abstract.


Authors will be notified by ESA Conference Bureau of their abstract acceptance. Authors shall then proceed with the creation of a slide deck to be orally presented at the SESP Workshop. Remote participation to the event including paper presentation is available. The SESP workshop will not publish any formal proceedings. Therefore, topics presented at SESP will not conflict with:

• submissions to future conferences with formal proceedings or
• any future submissions to journals

SESP workshop attendees will receive all the submitted presentations in a follow up e-mail from ESA Conference Bureau. All material presented at the workshop must, before submission, be cleared of any restrictions preventing it from being published on the SESP website.

ESA Conference Bureau / ATPI Corporate Events

ESA-ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1
2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands

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