Testing and Sustainability

About this theme
Development of ECSS standards is an activity in which not only Space Agencies but also Industry is very much involved, both in terms of influencing the subjects to be standardised as well as participating to the development of standards. Related international standards can open markets for suppliers by providing a level playing field and enhances coherence across European projects.

Examples of standards particularly relevant to the SESP domains include:

  • ECSS standards, such as
    • SMP (Simulation Model Platform)
    • TMTC and Packet Utilisation Standard
  • CCSDS standards, such as
    • EDS (Electronic Data Sheet)
  • International standards, such as
    • HLA (High Level Architecture) or IEEE 1516
    • FMI (Functional Mock-up Interface)

There are also areas where no standards exist yet, but where the need has been identified – such as: Reference Architectures, Process Standards, etc.

The related objectives within SESP are to discuss the lessons learned from applying standards in space projects, to identify the problem issues, propose areas of improvement, and to discuss ways forward for future standardization.  

Example of topics

  • SMP2 – Status and experiences 
  • SMP level 1 – Feedback 
  • Monitoring and Control Data definition
  • Test and Operation Procedure Languages
  • ECSS covering Software and Modelling and Simulation
  • ECSS and CCSDS covering EGSE and Operations

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