In Memoriam

Dr. Penshu yeh  

(January 15, 1952 - January 21, 2022)

In 2022 our small community has not only lost a dear friend, but also a mentor and a role model, whose ingenuity and dedication have incredibly contributed to the progress in our field.

Despite our sadness and sorrow, we also want to celebrate her legacy and pay a tribute to her memory through the “Dr. Penshu Yeh Best Contribution Award” which will reward the best scientific contribution to the workshop. 



Dr. Pen-Shu Yeh received a Ph.D in Electrical Engineering in 1981 from Stanford University after completing a BSEE at the National Taiwan University and a MSEE at the University of Washington in Seattle. Her research interests included signal processing, pattern recognition, computer vision and implementation using radiation-hard space electronics.

She worked for NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center where she led the development of data compression and onboard processing technologies for more than two decades. She was the inventor of three U.S. patents and was awarded the NASA Inventor of the Year award in 1996 and the NASA Exceptional Engineering Achievement Medal in 1997.

Dr. Yeh was an active member of the CCSDS standards working group since late 90's. She served as the Data Compression Working Group Chair for more than a decade and contributed to the writing of all the currently published CCSDS compression standards.

Dr. Yeh directly supported over twenty flight projects in implementing data compression on board spacecrafts. Tens of other space missions (from USA, Europe, Japan, etc) have also benefited (and will in the years to come) from the technologies developed by her.

She will be greatly missed.

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