Final Paper Submission Guidelines

For the OBPDC 2024 a technical paper is mandatory for all accepted presentations. The paper shall be between 5 and 8 pages. Accepted papers will be made available as public access (with DOI number) on the OBPDC 2024 community page on the Zenodo platform (hosted by CERN).
 All authors must accept the CC-BY license for the paper and presentation:

You may also consider the submission of an extended version of your OBPDC contribution (40% longer paper) to the Special Issue of the MDPI Journal of Imaging  "Still Image, Video, Voice, Sound Compression and Long-Distance Wireless Transmission Through Free Space"

Publication of a paper in the proceedings of the OBPDC Workshop is contingent upon the receipt of the electronic version of the paper in PDF format by Monday, 30 September 2024. Papers can be submitted via an online submission tool to ESA Conference Bureau.

Full instructions for the preparation of final paper(s) can be downloaded from the following link. When completed, each submission should conform in format and style to these instruction sheets. Please read all instructions thoroughly to avoid errors that could result in your paper(s) being omitted from publication.

Oral presenters will be requested to upload a biography when submitting their papers via the online submission tool. A biography template can be downloaded from the following linkThe full paper and biography need to be uploaded in the personal account of the main author; the same account which was created during the abstract submission. 

Both oral and poster presenters shall register and pay the registration fee by 13 September 2024. To register click HERE.                                          

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