
Session topics will include several aspects of On-board Data Compression, in order to cover all major areas of interest.
Topics to be covered include, but are not limited to:


  • Agency missions (ESA, CNES, NASA,…) 
  • Commercial missions (including NewSpace missions) 
  • Standardization activities
Compression Algorithms

  • Lossless and lossy compression algorithms 
  • Multispectral / Hyperspectral data compression 
  • Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data compression 
  • On-board video compression and data streaming 
  • Point-cloud data compression 
  • Lightweight data compression (packet compression, compressed structures,…)

AI for Data Reduction / Compression and other Innovative Techniques

  • Deep learning compression 
  • Machine learning / Deep learning for information extraction and data reduction 
  • Pre-processing algorithms (e.g. cloud detection...) and selective compression 
  • Compression in end-to-end image quality optimization (on-board / on-ground processing, image restoration, denoising...)   
  • Compressive Sampling 

High Performance Compression Implementations

  • Compressors / algorithms implementations: hard, soft, GPU, … 
  • COTS-based implementations 
  • Compression solutions for flight (IP cores, ASICs, flight qualified SW, compression units,…)

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