Presenter Instructions

Oral Presenters

Preparing for your presentation:

  • The allocated time slot for your presentation is 25 minutes including Q&A
  • Presentations can be uploaded on the conference PC, therefore please bring a copy of your presentation along with you on a USB stick
  • Presenters are kindly requested to arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the session in the meeting room  

Poster Presenters

Preparing for your presentation:

  • The poster boards can accommodate every size until A0 (landscape).
  • Each poster presenter will be provided with a poster board.
  • Materials necessary for attaching the poster to the poster board are NOT available at the venue. Therefore make sure to bring some pins or thumbtacks.
  • Posters are to be put up on the day of the conference, 2 October 2024. This can be done as of 9:00 am or during session breaks. 
  • Poster presenters are kindly requested to put up and take down their own posters. The conference organisers will take no responsibility for posters abandoned or not removed at the conclusion of the conference.

The printed poster may contain text, figures, tables, photographs, etc., which should be neat and legible from approximately 1.50m (5ft). This corresponds approximately to the following letter size for capitals:   

  • Title : 15 mm high (size 60)
  • Subtitles : 12 mm high (size 48)
  • Text and figure captions : 7.5 mm high (size 30)

The illustrations and photos should be enlarged enough to show relevant details. Posters using a series of A4 or A3 sheets instead of a proper poster will not be accepted.

      ESA Conference Bureau / ATPI Corporate Events

      ESA-ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1
      2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands

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